
尤是官员和预备官员、复兴会员们他们脱盲时候是脱离生产一心扑学习经过一段时强化中学习掌握读写能力也就不是难事了 就算是士兵们同样需要从事繁重军事和训练这样情况苏咏霖了让军队士兵识字采纳了辛弃疾建议 行军时候让士兵们背着识字板后面士兵就能一边走一边看着前面士兵背后识字板字行军走路也不耽搁学习大大增加了士兵们学习时 平时整个军营也都挂了写满字条幅字不离眼睛每天午午两次中学习 如此强化识字训练肯定能起到很好效果让士兵们快速脱盲快速成有读写能力文化人 他统治团部们能够很快脱盲成文化人是因有着中学习条件而一般村庄则不具备这样条件 第21章 现礼部尚可是孔拯啊 想要实现方位扫盲让人人都能识字实不是一件易事情 Don’t say that farmers generally have heavy agricultural production…

People are naturally curious about animals. What’s more, the status of mysterious assassins behind the news giants has caught people’s appetite. Sophie, a once-in-a-lifetime news genius, is indeed a very good reporter. She keeps introducing gripping follow-up reports. At the same time, the circulation of the morning paper is rising day by day, and the holy assassin has become the most popular and fashionable topic of the year.

Guanghui city cheetah corps head office Look at that newspaper that was just published today, Aidan Reyes’ face…